"As the human beings approached the farm buildings, Snowball _?__?__?_ his first attack."
"All the _?__?__?_, to the number of thirty-five, flew to and fro over the men's head and muted upon them from mid-air; and while the men were dealing with this, the _?__?__?_, who had been hiding behind the hedge, rushed out and pecked viciously at the calves of their legs."
"However, this was only a light skirmishing _?__?__?_, intended to create a little disorder, and the men easily drove the geese off with their sticks."
"_?__?__?_ now launched his second line of attack."
GEESE, 11,52
"_?__?__?_, Benjamin and all the sheep, with Snowball at the head of them, rushed forward and prodded and _?__?__?_ the men from every side, while _?__?__?_, turned round and lashed at them with his small hoofs."
"But once again the men, with their sticks and their hob-nailed boots, were too _?__?__?_ for them; and suddenly, at a _?__?__?_ from Snowball, which was the signal for retreat, all the animals turned and fled through the gateway into the yard."
" "
"The men gave a shout of _?__?__?_. They saw, as they imagined, their enemies in flight, and they rushed after them in _?__?__?_. This was just what Snowball had intended."
"As soon as they were well inside the yard, the three _?__?__?_, the three cows, and the rest of the _?__?__?_, who had been lying in ambush in the cowshed, suddenly emerged in their rear, cutting them off."
"Snowball now gave the _?__?__?_ for the charge. He himself dashed straight for _?__?__?_. Jones saw him coming, raised his gun and fired. The pellets scored bloody _?__?__?_ along Snowball's back, and a sheep dropped dead."
"Without _?__?__?_ for an instant Snowball flung his fifteen stone against Jones's legs. Jones was hurled into a pile of _?__?__?_ and his gun flew out of his hands."
"But the most terrifying spectacle of all was _?__?__?_, rearing up on his hind legs and striking out with his great iron-shod hoofs like a _?__?__?_."